1. Updated FAQ on medical repricing interim measures is now available.


2. We acknowledge the recent press statement issued by Bank Negara Malaysia regarding interim measures to address the contribution revisions for medical plans. As a responsible takaful operator, we take this matter seriously and remain committed to act in the best interests of our customers. These interim measures aim to provide our customers the flexibility to better navigate and manage their financials while preserving their medical coverage.


We understand the importance of keeping our customers informed and will provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


In the meantime, we encourage you to click here for more details or contact our dedicated customer service line at 1300-13-8338 and press 6 after language selection, from Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.15pm (except Public Holiday) for further assistance.


3. Temporary Suspension of New Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) Applications

Please be informed that the submission of new Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) applications will be temporarily suspended effective from 16th January 2025 until further notice. Click here for more details.


4.   Revised Operating Hours During Fasting Month

We wish to inform you that the operating hours of our Customer Care Centre at Level 3, Head Office and Customer Careline will be revised. Click here for more details.

Corporate governance of Great Eastern Takaful

Articles of Association

Board of Directors Charter

To view the report online, click on the appropriate link below, or right-click and save the report for off-line viewing.

Details on Board Composition

Board of Directors         

Composition of Board Committees (on 29 April 2024)

Board Committee  Composition
Board Audit Committee

YBhg. Dato' Albert Yeoh Beow Tit  (Chairman)

Mr. Norman Ka Cheung Ip

YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Sabri Wan Yusof

Board Nominations and Remuneration Committee

YBhg. Dato’ Albert Yeoh Beow Tit (Chairman)

Mr. Norman Ka Cheung Ip

YBhg. Maj. Gen. Dato’ Zulkiflee bin Mazlan (Rtd)

YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Sabri bin Wan Yusof

Mr Tong Hon Keong

Board Risk Management Committee

Mr. Tong Hon Keong (Chairman)

YBhg. Rear Adm. Dato’ Anuwar bin Mad Said (Rtd)

YBhg. Datin Arlina binti Ariff

Governance Committee

YBhg. Dato’ Albert Yeoh Beow Tit (Chairman)

YBhg. Datin Arlina binti Ariff

YBhg. Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Mohammad Hatta

vacant/Appointed Actuary

Appointments, Resignations and Removals of Directors during the Financial Year (as at 29 April 2024)

  • Resignation of YBhg. Datin Zaharah binti Ali as Independent Non-Executive Director (28 April 2024)
  • Appointment of YBhg. Datin Arlina binti Ariff as Independent Non-Executive Director (29 April 2024)

Training and Education Provided to the Board (as at 1 February 2024)

The Company has an in-house orientation programme in place for newly appointed Directors to familiarize themselves with the operations. In addition, the Directors are provided with the opportunities to attend any relevant training programmes on an ongoing basis to keep abreast with the latest developments, including the Financial Institutions Directors’ Education (“FIDE”) Core Programme. The programme promotes the strengthening of Board competencies in dealing with corporate governance, strategies and risk faced by the financial services industry.

During the financial year 2023, the Directors, collectively or on their own, attended seminars, courses and briefing organized by professional bodies and regulatory authorities as well as those conducted in-house, among others as follows:

  • BNM-FIDE Forum: Special Interest Group (“SIG”) Discussion on Licensing & Regulatory Framework for DITO Exposure Draft
  • FIDE Forum-ICA: Understanding the Impact of Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry: What Board Members Need to Know
  • FIDE Forum-Iclif: Board Oversight on Climate Risk and Opportunities
  • FIDE Forum: Understanding the Impact of Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry: What Board Members need to Know.
  • FIDE Forum: AI and Financial Institutions: Friend of Foe?
  • Allen & Gledhill: ESG Regulatory Developments - Overview on the Current State of Play and Upcoming Trends on the Horizon
  • EY: How can Insurers and Takaful Operators Solve the ESG Equation
  • Asia School of Business: Ignite Your Sustainability Journey with the New ISSB Standards
  • Singapore Institute of Directors/EY: Sustainability Reporting Leading the Charge with Leading Practices
  • In-house (Board Educational Series):
    • GETB Treating Customer Fairly (“TCF”) Policy Refresher
    • Policy Document – Wakalah (BNM/RH/PD 028-3)
    • Owners and Ownership: Beneficial Ownership – Who is Behind that Legal Person
    • Cross Currents of Headwinds and Tailwinds
    • Fiduciary Duty on Climate Risk Management
    • Navigating MFRS 17: Transition, Parallel Runs, and Other Updates
    • Zakat For Takaful Business
    • Cybersecurity for the Cloud
    • Standing Limits in Managing Financial Risk
    • Great Eastern Cloud Journey & Cyber Defense Roadmap
    • Private Market Investments

Number of Scheduled and Ad-Hoc Meetings convened by Board and Board Committees in Financial Year 2023 (as at 1 February 2024) 

Board of Directors 
Board Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Board Audit Committee 5
Board Risk Management Committee 6
Governance Committee 2

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Statement

Great Eastern entities take a ZERO-TOLERANCE APPROACH to bribery and corruption and are committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity, honesty and in an ethical manner in all business dealings and relationships.

Please click here to read our Policy Statement.

Whistleblowing Programme

At Great Eastern Takaful Berhad, we are committed to a high standard of compliance with accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, corporate governance and auditing requirements and any legislation relating thereto. We aim to provide an avenue for individuals to raise genuine concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting and other malpractices without fear of suffering retribution. All concerns raised will be held in strictest confidence and handled fairly and properly.

You may report your concerns via email to whistleblow@greateasternlife.com, which is under the purview of the Chief Internal Auditor.  Alternatively, you may write to Chief Internal Auditor, Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, Menara Great Eastern, Level 13, Internal Audit Department, 303, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.

If the above channel is not suitable, you may report your concerns via email to whistleblow-getbbac@greateasterntakaful.com, which is accessible by only the Chairman of the Board Audit Committee.