1. Updated FAQ on medical repricing interim measures is now available.


2. We acknowledge the recent press statement issued by Bank Negara Malaysia regarding interim measures to address the contribution revisions for medical plans. As a responsible takaful operator, we take this matter seriously and remain committed to act in the best interests of our customers. These interim measures aim to provide our customers the flexibility to better navigate and manage their financials while preserving their medical coverage.


We understand the importance of keeping our customers informed and will provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


In the meantime, we encourage you to click here for more details or contact our dedicated customer service line at 1300-13-8338 and press 6 after language selection, from Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.15pm (except Public Holiday) for further assistance.


3. Temporary Suspension of New Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) Applications

Please be informed that the submission of new Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) applications will be temporarily suspended effective from 16th January 2025 until further notice. Click here for more details.


4.   Revised Operating Hours During Fasting Month

We wish to inform you that the operating hours of our Customer Care Centre at Level 3, Head Office and Customer Careline will be revised. Click here for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions


If your questions are not addressed in the current FAQ, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we will provide further update from time to time starting from 15 January 2025 onwards.   

If you would like to learn more about how interim measures will affect your certificate, please choose your certificate anniversary below for more details. You may refer to your certificate anniversary date in your communication pack under endorsement (Takaful Schedule L). 

i.   Spreading out the Tabarru’ charges and contribution revision quantum

The revision of Tabarru’ charges and contribution will be spread out during the interim period where at least 80% of the Takaful participants are expected to experience Tabarru' charges and contribution increment of less than 10%. The revision will be re-assessed after the interim period ends and may be higher or lower than current projection based on effectiveness of cost-containment strategies that will be put in place.

*The interim Period is definced as the MHT repricing exercises commencing in 2024, 2025, and 2026.

ii.  Temporary pause for the revision of Tabarru' charges and contribution revision

For person covered aged 60 years old and above who participated under the minimum plan within the range of medical plan offered (refer to FAQ 3), the revision of Tabarru’ charges and contribution will be temporary paused for one year. The revision will resume on the subsequent year with consideration of interim measures.

iii.  Reinstatement of Certificate

Takaful participants with certificate that was lapsed or surrendered in 2024 due to the medical repricing exercise can write in to request for reinstatement request and will not be subject to additional underwriting requirements.

iv.  Alternative MHIT Product Offering

Alternative MHIT products will be offered by the end of 2025 as additional option(s) for medical plans that are being repriced.

The above is not applicable if the revision of Tabarru’ charges and contribution increment is due to change in age band. 

The interim measures (except for the alternative product offering) will take effect from 1 January 2025 for the following products.

Investment Linked Plan

  • i-Medik Rider (H02U – H06U, A410 – A414)
  • i-Medik Xtra Rider (J27 – J30)

Traditional Plan

  • i-Medi Rider (J94 – J95, J116-J117, J122-J123)
  • i-Medik Asas (J22-J25)
  • i-Great MediCare (0727)


  • For i-Medik Asas (J22-J25) with certificate anniversary between 1 to 31 January 2025, excess Tabarru’ charges will be refunded to you subsequently.
  • For i-Great MediCare (0727) with certificate anniversary between 1 January to 9 February 2025, excess Tabarru’ charges will be refunded to you subsequently.

You may refer below to identify the minimum plan:

  • i-Medik Rider: Room & Board 100
  • i-Medik Xtra Rider: Room & Board 150
  • i-Medi Rider: Room & Board 150
  • i-Medik Asas: Room & Board 150
  • i-Great MediCare: Room & Board 200

For Age Next Birthday (ANB) 60 and above with minimum plan

For person covered aged 60 years old and above with minimum medical plan selection, temporary pause will apply for 1 year from your certificate anniversary.

On your next certificate anniversary after 1 year of the temporary pause, the repricing exercise will resume with the revision of Tabarru’ charges and contribution increment will factor in the spread out of repricing quantum during the interim period.

For Others

The revision of Tabarru’ charges and contribution increment will factor in the spread out of repricing quantum during the interim period. The revision will take effect on your next certificate anniversary. 

For ANB 60 and above with minimum plan

For person covered aged 60 years old and above with minimum medical plan selection, temporary pause will apply for 1 year from your certificate anniversary. We will inform on your eligibility via WhatsApp or other written medium and you can disregard the communication pack received earlier. We will send the updated communication pack once the repricing for your certificate resume.

In the meantime, we recommend for you to continue paying your contribution as advised to ensure your certificate stays inforce. Excess Tabarru’ charges (if any) will be refunded to your certificate or bank account (depending on your plan).

For Others

The revision in your Tabarru’ charges and contribution increment will factor in the spread out of repricing quantum during the interim period. The changes will take effect on your next certificate anniversary falls between 1 January – 28 February 2025. 

If you have received the communication pack on medical repricing exercise, we will send a revised communication pack and notification on this in due course. 

In the meantime, we recommend for you to continue paying your contribution as advised to ensure your certificate stays inforce. Excess Tabarru’ charges (if any) will be refunded to your certificate or bank account (depending on your plan). 

For ANB 60 and above with minimum plan

For person covered aged 60 years old and above with minimum medical plan selection, temporary pause will apply from your certificate anniversary in 2024 to your next certificate anniversary in 2025. Excess Tabarru’ charges (if any) will be refunded to your certificate or bank account (depending on your plan).

We will continue to charge the revised Tabarru’ charges or contribution increment as prescribed in the medical repricing communication pack or options that you have submitted to us. We recommend for you to continue paying your contribution as advised to ensure your certificate stays inforce. 

For Others

We will continue to charge the revised Tabarru’ charges or contribution increment as prescribed in the medical repricing communication pack or options that you have submitted to us. We recommend for you to continue paying your contribution as advised to ensure your certificate stays inforce.

You can write in to us until 31 December 2025 to apply for interim measures due to affordability concerns. It will take effect after your point of application and next contribution due date of your certificate. Excess Tabarru’ charges (if any) will be refunded to your certificate or bank account (depending on your plan).

You may request to reinstate your certificate within one year from the date of surrender or lapse and there shall be no additional underwriting applicable. However, there will be no coverage provided during the lapse or surrender period. The application can be written and uploaded to the customer’s portal i-GET In Touch or by email/letter sent to i-greatcare@greateasterntakaful.com.

Once the certificate is reinstated, the Tabarru’ charges and contribution as per interim measures will take effect immediately. i-greatcare@greateasterntakaful.com.

The interim measures are only applicable to certificates that are affected by repricing in year 2024, 2025 and 2026.  

The interim measures aim to provide immediate relief to Takaful participant, but the reality is that the Takaful contribution / Tabarru’ charges and contribution will require material adjustments in the near future unless systematic changes are implemented across the healthcare eco-system.

As the current Takaful contribution and Tabarru’ charges are insufficient to accommodate rise in healthcare costs and medical inflation, we may need to intensify cost containment initiatives, as part of the industry’s commitment to provide accessible, affordable and effective healthcare.

Yes, you may proceed to discuss with your Takaful Advisor to explore the following options:

  • Maintain the current contribution – Customers can write in to GETB and request to opt-out from the contribution increment. Your certificate sustainability will be impacted and the certificate will lapse if the cash value is insufficient to cover the revision of Tabarru' charges. 
  • Downgrade your medical rider to a lower coverage plan to have lower Tabarru’ charges;
  • Switch to another medical plan with co-payment options;
  • Reduce sum covered for the basic plan and/or other rider(s); or
  • Cancel other rider(s) / supplementary benefit(s).

However, we remind that any changes to your Takaful benefits will have an impact on the sufficiency and comprehensiveness of your protection.


(i)    List of available medical plans with co-payment option:

  • i-Medi Shield Rider
  • i-Medi Shield Step Up Rider
  • i-Medi Shield Link Rider

(ii)  Underwriting will be waived and waiting period is not applicable when switching to the new medical plan with similar Room & Board (R&B) limit or a lower R&B limit. However, underwriting will be required and waiting period is applicable if you switch to a new medical plan with higher R&B limit.

(iii)   Switching option is only applicable for the following products:   

  • i-Medik Rider & i-Medik Xtra Rider: Option to switch to i-Medi Shield Link Rider
  • i-Medi Rider & i-Medi Step Up Rider: Option to switch to i-Medi Shield Rider or i-Medi Shield Step Up Rider

The rates for medical plans are structured in tiers based on your attained age. The increase may be a result of increase in rates when your age has reached to the next age band.

The increase in Tabarru’ charges increase will be staggered accordingly and you may need to perform contribution top up to ensure the sustainability of your certificate.

Revision of Tabarru’ Charges (i.e. repricing) is mainly driven by deteriorating claim experience due to rising medical costs, increase in diagnosis of chronic or lifestyle diseases which leads to a higher frequency of people seeking healthcare treatments, increase in doctor’s fees or laboratory charges and new/more advanced medical treatments and prescription of drugs. 

As claims are paid from the Tabarru’ Fund, the rising trend of claims has reduced the Tabarru’ Fund considerably and it may not be sufficient to cover future claims. Tabarru’ charges for respective medical plan will need to be revised to ensure its sustainability. Without the medical repricing exercise, Tabarru’ Fund may deplete and it poses a real risk that it will be difficult to pay future claims

Takaful is based on the Tabarru’ concept where a portion of the contribution collected is donated to the Tabarru’ Fund to pay for claims.

As a result, all Takaful participants will be affected to esnure the Tabarru’ Fund will be able to sustain the claim payouts for all Takaful participants. This is aligned with the concept of mutual cooperation concept to help one another in the event of misfortune regardless whether you have made a claim before or otherwise.

To cater for the increased contribution, below are some of the actions that our affected customer will need to take.


Current Contribution     Method       Action Needed
Credit Card/Debit Card Your credit/ debit card will be billed according to the revised contribution amount. Please contact your card issuing bank to ensure that the card’s daily withdrawal limit allows for the deduction of the revised contribution deduction.  
Bank’s Order  Please liaise with the bank of your choice to proceed with the payment of the revised contribution amount payment.  
Perkhidmatan Angkasa (BPA)
If the increase in the contribution amount is above RM50.00, you are required to submit a certified true copy (CTC) of the contributor’s latest salary slip to us to revise your BPA deduction amount.  It will take approximately 2 months to obtain approval from BPA for the contribution deduction. If your certificate has outstanding contribution payments before the new BPA deduction amount takes effect, you may paymet toward your contribution via JomPAY. For JomPAY payment, please refer to the “Cash/Cheque” payment solution table below  
Please submit the completed original hard copy GIRO form to us along with payment of 2 months’ advance contributions. You can make the advance contribution payment via JomPAY. For JomPAY payment, please refer to the “Cash/Cheque” payment solution table below. The GIRO form is available from participating banks and must be verified and approved by the bank before submission to Great Eastern Takaful Berhad.  
Cash / Cheque  As we do not accept cash/cheque payment anymore, you are advised to proceed with the payment via JomPAY. Kindly refer to the guide below guide for making payment via JomPAY: 

Step 1: Login to Internet or Mobile Banking and look for JomPAY
Step 2: Enter 16899 in the Biller Code field for Great Eastern Takaful - Family
Step 3: Enter your 10-digit Certificate Number in "Ref-1" field
Step 4: Enter Mobile Phone Number in "Ref-2" field
Step 5: Enter your Payment Amount
Step 6: Confirm and Pay


Alternatively, you may want to change the contribution method to credit/debit card for seamless payment through our self-servicing platform (i-Get In Touch).  
Direct Debit Authorization (DDA) 

Submission of new (DDA) applications will be temporarily suspended effective from 16 January 2025 until further notice.

During this period, you are advised to enroll credit card/debit card as an alternative payment method via our self-servicing i-Get In Touch (iGIT) portal by following the steps outlined below. Existing DDA recurring billings will remain unaffected.

https://igetintouch.greateasterntakaful.com (i-Get In Touch) > My Service Request > Change Contribution Method > Select new contribution method as Credit Card



You are advised to monitor your contribution payment status through our self-servicing platform (i-Get In Touch) as in the guide provided in the link below to ensure all contributions paid are up to date.

https://igetintouch.greateasterntakaful.com > View Certificate Details > Contribution Information

Please refer to the link below:

Investment Linked Plan i-Medi Shield Link Rider
Traditional Plan i-Medi Shield Rider

You can refer to your repricing communication pack - Authorisation Form (Under Option 3) to identify the plan that is applicable to you. 

The utilisation rate, average claim amount and medical inflation for the impacted products are as below.

Traditional Plan

Medical Plan Utilisation Rate Average Claims Amount 3-Years Average Medical Cost Inflation
i-Medi Rider 121 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 28 out of 1,000 takaful participants 3 years ago Increased from RM3,880 to RM3,964 110% per annum
i-Great Medi Care 64 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 0 out of 1,000 takaful participants 5 years ago Increased from RM0 to RM4,786 63% per annum
Medical Plan  Utilisation Rate Average Claims Amount 4-year Average Medical Cost Inflation 
i-Medik Asas 59 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 50 out of 1,000 takaful participants 4 years ago Increased from RM4,887 to RM8,800 28% per annum

Investment Linked Plan

Medical Plan Utilisation Rate Average Claims Amount 3-years Average Medical Cost Inflation
i-Medik Rider (H02U - HO6U) 109 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 95 out of 1,000 takaful participants 4 years ago Increased from RM6,372 to RM7,646 11% per annum
i-Medik Rider (A410 - A414) 110 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 110 out of 1,000 takaful participants 4 years ago Increased from RM4,734 to RM5,751 19% per annum 
i-Medik Xtra Rider 168 out of 1,000 takaful participants have made claims compared to 152 out of 1,000 takaful participants 5 years ago Increased from RM4,007 to RM5,110 48% per annum