Find Takaful Advisor and wealth planning consultant
Look through our listing to find out which of our experts suit you and your needs best.
Muhammad Amirul Kamal Baharin
MAS reg no.

Providing consultancy services in financial planning and takaful services and open job opportunities to those who are interested as a professional consultant.
Mohd Nizam Abu Bakar
MAS reg no.

My expertise in making takaful quotes. Help young people to get the lifestyle they want and help their parents, reduce a person's 'dizziness' in the event of disaster and manage finances.
Amirul Ashraf Jamaluddin
MAS reg no.

I believe a career as a Takaful Consultant has had a very big and positive impact in my life and would like to share it with others.
Dhanya Alif Norwani Mohd Nordin
MAS reg no.

My expertise are sharing information comprehensive financial planning, at the same time building and grooming new takaful advisor to achieve financial freedom and time freedom
Mohd Khairul Azli Ghazali
MAS reg no.

My expertise are training and sharing information on comprehensive financial planning and generate income through financial risk management (Takaful).
Mohd Fauzi Sabari
MAS reg no.

Leader and Agency Management. Proficient in family takaful risk management consultantation as well as SMEs. Expert in uncovering individual potential into becoming successful takaful entrepreneurs.
Ahmad Azim Ahmad
MAS reg no.

My expertise are develop training system, sharing information on comprehensive risk and financial planning. Expert in people development, coach across GREAT TAKAFUL GROUP agency for new takaful advisor.
Ahmad Humaizi Mat Noor
MAS reg no.

I love to share and educate people on Financial Risks Planning through Takaful. With added qulification in Islamic Financial Planning Certification plus my legal experience in various corporate sector, I believe I can coach more people to success as Takaful Advisor as well as managing financial planning.
Mohd Furqan Mohamad
MAS reg no.

My expertise are training and sharing information on comprehensive financial planning and generate income through financial risk management (Takaful).
Arniza Israwati Sehab
MAS reg no.

My expertise are training and sharing information on comprehensive financial planning and generate income through financial risk management (Takaful).
Mohd Fathie Zaim Mohd Nasir
MAS reg no.

My expertise is to help the community understand the importance of personal financial management by managing financial risk through Takaful as well as building more successful Takaful entrepreneurs in improving their economic standard of living.
Azealea Dzulkefflee
MAS reg no.

I am all about building meaningful relationships with my clients and finding satisfaction in stimulating growth of my agency team members. Join us for an Amazing life with Takaful and exploring the endless opportunities it brings
Amisah Mohamad
MAS reg no.

My expertise are training and sharing information on comprehensive financial planning and generate income through financial risk management (Takaful).
Mohd Hilmi Mohd @ Ab Razak
MAS reg no.

My expertise is to help young entrepreneurs to generate additional income part-time or full-time in the business of takaful. I am also an expert and very skillful person in guiding Malaysians people to structure their financial flows so that they do not get entangled in debts that can trap themselves.
Liyana Dzulkefflee
MAS reg no.

If you are looking for an affordable Takaful plan that suits your needs OR a leader to help you gain a quick income, promptly drop your details. I will get in touch with you soon!