Badal Hajj: understand the meaning, requirements & the procedures in performing badal hajj
Badal Hajj is one way to perform the pilgrimage. Understand what Badal Hajj is, the requirements and procedures, right here with GETB!
Islam highlights the importance in performing mandatory tasks as mentioned by Allah SWT. One of those is the fifth pillar of Islam, which is performing Hajj. Every single Muslim who is physically and financially capable is obligated to perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Nonetheless, there are few situations in which Badal Hajj needs to be performed for some individuals. In this article, we will explore how Hajj with proxy is being done, the importance and how it relates to takaful. With a clear understanding about this concept, we can support the performance of the fifth pillar of Islam, strengthening the values of unity in the Muslim community.
Let's explore the meaning of Badal Hajj and learn about the requirements as well as steps of this ibadah.
What is Badal Hajj?
Badal Hajj, or known as Hajj with proxy, means to have a representative perform the Hajj pilgrimage for themselves or the heir of someone else. In other words, badal Hajj is the act of hiring someone to perform Hajj for themselves for particular reasons. Islam gives way to those who are too old or decrepit, sick with no hope of recovery, physically incapable, or deceased to perform Hajj through proxy.
There are few hadiths that mentioned about badal Hajj such as Sahih al-Bukhari: Imam al-Bukhari narrated from Ibnu Abbas RA: A woman from the tribe of Juhaina came to the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and said, “My mother had vowed to perform Hajj but she died before performing it. May I perform Hajj on my mother’s behalf?” The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W replied, “Yes. Perform Hajj on her behalf. Had there been a debt on your mother, would you have paid it or not? So, pay Allah’s debt as He has more right to be paid.”
The hukm (ruling) for Badal Hajj or Hajj with proxy is mubah (recommended) for those who are deceased by using their inheritance.
Badal Hajj requirements
There are few requirements that are needed to be fulfilled to validify a Badal Hajj. Here is the comprehensive checklist of the requirements:
- It is not valid if the person is able to perform Hajj by themselves.
- Badal Hajj can be represented by another party if the person passed away or is decrepit (too old, physically handicapped, having a sickness that cannot be healed, etc.)
- Badal Hajj is not valid to those who are poor and without money.
- The hired party has already performed Hajj for themselves.
- Received permission from the hirer (if hirer still alive)
- The paid costs for Hajj by proxy is taken from:
- The hirer’s property (if still alive)
- The deceased’s inheritance before Faraid (if passed away)
- Intend to perform Hajj for the individual.
- The Hajj with proxy is performed by the representative itself. If there are any circumstances that happen, the representative may transfer the proxy to another party as long as they receive the permission from the hirer or hirer generally pronounces the Akad (contract).
- The representative should only receive one badal Hajj only for every season.
- The representative must not perform any actions that can cancel out the Hajj.
- Pronounce ijab & qabul (agreement) between the representative and the hirer.
Badal Hajj steps
Now that we understand the requirements, let’s dive into the steps in performing badal Hajj.
- The hirer must recognise and choose a worthy representative to perform badal Hajj. The worthy representative is someone who has had their Hajj before. Other than that, the representative must understand the pillars of Hajj (ihram, wukuf, tawaf, sa’ie, and tahallul)
- Read the niat (intention) for badal Hajj clearly.
- The individual that is involved with badal Hajj must prepare few documents including:
- Registration form
- Receipt of the Hajj wages.
- Akad pronunciation.
- Badal Hajj certificate.
- The spending costs for performing the badal Hajj is taken from the Hajj wages through Akad Ijarah Ain’ (appointing/ hiring specific individuals (who claim themselves) to perform Hajj on behalf) or Ijarah Zimmah (giving the responsibility of performing Hajj to someone).
- After the badal Hajj is completed, the representative should submit the signed and authenticated badal Hajj certificate to the hirer.
Takaful details for Badal Hajj
Did you know that there are few takaful plans that offer Hajj with proxy services? It is important to use a registered proxy so that we can avoid any scams from unauthorised parties. Don’t worry, the badal Hajj from these takaful plans are certified and registered.
Badal Hajj, in terms of takaful, refers to the badal Hajj service that is included in a specific takaful plan. There are few takaful plans that offer this service, especially for those who are physically unable to perform Hajj for themselves, or deceased. The contributor or heir don’t have to be worried about the process as the takaful party will manage all aspects, including protection.
Performing badal Hajj is a noble ibadah to help fulfil the mandatory for those who are not able to do so. Understanding the procedure is important to keep the ibadah perfect. Through a deep understanding of the correct procedures and requirements, we can ensure that the badal Hajj they accepted by Allah S.W.T. Plan your badal hajj properly to make sure that every step of your badal Hajj is performed well.