Financial planning: How to save for Hajj and Umrah
The dream of all Muslims is to travel to the holy land of Mecca, to complete the fifth pillar of Islam, which is performing Hajj, and is one of the most important journeys in a Muslim’s life. Therefore, it is important to financially plan in efforts to fulfill the goal of performing Umrah and Hajj.
The dream of all Muslims is to travel to the holy land of Mecca, to complete the fifth pillar of Islam, which is performing Hajj. It is one of the most important journeys in a Muslim’s life and it requires planning and preparation in terms of the spiritual, physical, knowledge and financial aspects.
There are five conditions to performing Hajj which are being Muslim, sane, an adult, free and financially capable. This is as per the words of Allah SWT:
وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا ۚ
Meaning: “and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) to the House (Ka’bah) is duty that mankind owes to Allah, those can afford the expenses.” (Surah Ali ‘Imran, Ayat 97)
The capability referred to in the verse above is a condition for Hajj that is obligatory for Muslims. Affordability is defined as having enough to cover the return trip expenses as well as the expenses throughout performing Hajj. One should also be capable physically and mentally, like having a healthy body and sane mind.
Although the conditions of Hajj are only obligatory on those who can afford it, Islam advocates its people to be fast and diligent in fulfilling demands of Syara’.
Besides that, you can also experience a smaller-scale Hajj experience in the holy land through performing Umrah. Umrah is as obligatory as performing Hajj. This is al-Imam as-Syafie’s opinion on this topic.
In the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) expressed by Ibnu Majah, Al- Bahaqi and authentic Sanad from Aisyah r.a;
I said, “Oh Rasulullah, do women have to jihad?”. He said: “Yes, jihad that has no war is Hajj and Umrah”.
The difference between performing Umrah and Hajj is, performing Umrah can be done throughout the year. However, Hajj can only be done in the month of Zulhijjah, and its peak days fall on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of Tasyrik, which are when the people gather on Mount Arafah and Mina.
The cost to fulfill Hajj
The cheapest package to perform Hajj is by Jemaah Muassasah through Tabung Haji that covers flight, transportation, and accommodation costs in Mecca and Medina, which includes the cost for food and drinks, as well as payment to relevant authorities in Saudi Arabia.
There are 2 categories for Jemaah Muassasah which is:
- B40 Group: RM10,980
- Non B40 Group: RM12,980
These costs do not include the cost of preparatory goods and financial allocation which needs to be given to dependents who are left behind while performing Hajj.
If you want to perform Hajj through a private package instead, the cost will start from RM50,000 to RM270,000.

The cost to fulfill Umrah
You can purchase an Umrah package through private travelling agencies. The price of a package starts from RM6,000 to over RM20,000 based on the type of accommodation, locations visited and the type of flight chosen.
Planning to perform Hajj
Collecting funds to perform Hajj requires careful financial planning. Performing Hajj can be one of your long-term financial goals.
It is better if you could perform Hajj at a younger age. This is because when you are young, you are healthy and have enough energy to perform Hajj without any health problems.
The following are the steps for planning to perform Hajj.
- Open a Tabung Haji account
To get a queue number to perform Hajj, you need to prepare as much as RM1,300 in your Tabung Haji account. Try to register as soon as possible as the waiting line can be quite long. Some had to wait until the age of 70.

- Save consistently
Let’s say you aspire to perform Hajj in 15 years. Assuming a 5% investment return, you need to save up at least RM50 a month for 15 years to reach RM13,000 (source from financial calculator).
If you want to perform Hajj through a private package, you need to save at least RM200 a month for 15 years to reach RM50,000.
Where should you save your funds in preparation for Umrah and Hajj?
You can save in Tabung Haji with a return of around 2-3% per year. If you want a higher return, you can choose to save it in Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) or unit trust fund.
Besides that, you can also participate in Takaful plans when fulfilling Umrah and Hajj, which combine a protection plan and an investment plan. The benefits of the investment from these Umrah and Hajj Takaful plans can be used to cover your expenses when performing Hajj or Umrah. Not just that, these can protect you from any misfortune, plus, help you achieve your goals of performing Hajj and Umrah together with your loved ones.
Having built your savings to fulfill Hajj or Umrah, it is also good to ensure you take up a Takaful plan for protection over your pilgrimage in the holy land. There are also basic Takaful plans available that include death benefit while carrying out Hajj or Umrah, and/or Badal Hajj services for those who do not get to fulfill their pilgrimage due to illness, age or death.
You can read more about the plan that we offer here.
Plan Hajj as early as possible
It is not impossible putting aside a large amount of money for the purpose of performing Hajj. Why not try starting today? This is so you can save until it is enough.
Follow with earnestness in finding and saving money towards achieving your goal of performing Hajj. Having Takaful when performing Hajj and Umrah is a step that can be taken to achieve your dreams.
May we all be given the opportunity to set foot in the holy land.