1. Updated FAQ on medical repricing interim measures is now available.


2. We acknowledge the recent press statement issued by Bank Negara Malaysia regarding interim measures to address the contribution revisions for medical plans. As a responsible takaful operator, we take this matter seriously and remain committed to act in the best interests of our customers. These interim measures aim to provide our customers the flexibility to better navigate and manage their financials while preserving their medical coverage.


We understand the importance of keeping our customers informed and will provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


In the meantime, we encourage you to click here for more details or contact our dedicated customer service line at 1300-13-8338 and press 6 after language selection, from Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.15pm (except Public Holiday) for further assistance.


3. Temporary Suspension of New Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) Applications

Please be informed that the submission of new Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) applications will be temporarily suspended effective from 16th January 2025 until further notice. Click here for more details.


4.   Revised Operating Hours During Fasting Month

We wish to inform you that the operating hours of our Customer Care Centre at Level 3, Head Office and Customer Careline will be revised. Click here for more details.

4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

Happy New Years! Setting resolution is a tradition, but achieving all our goals before year-end can be challenging.

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4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

Happy new year! One of the new year’s traditions is that we would always list out our resolutions before the new year, but, it is undeniable that it is hard for us to achieve all of our intended goals before the year ends. However, with the new year’s resolutions, you can set an achievable goal for your future. Not sure how to make your own resolutions? Do not worry, do not fret, let’s take a look at these practical steps to achieve the resolutions that you dream of!

Steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

1. List your action plan

Think about your life or personal goals that you want to achieve. Whether your goals are to have a healthier life, travelling to another country or just want to make financial preparations – list the goals as your new year’s resolutions. To make it easier for you to keep track of your resolutions, you can list out your action plans by daily, weekly or monthly. Your action plans not only bring you spirit to enter the new year, but also acts as a progress reminder for you to help you achieve your goals all year long.

2. Practice consistency

With 366 days, it is undeniable that you will find it hard to remain consistent in achieving your resolutions. Building up consistency to achieve your new year’s resolution needs patience, discipline and a good strategy. One of the ways to be consistent is by having realistic goals so that you won’t be too pressured to achieve them, making a daily action schedule to build up a good routine for you, and making a reminder to help you remember your goals and daily achievement. The process of achieving your goals is a long journey, and consistency is the key. By making gradual changes and practising a suitable strategy, you may increase the likelihood of success in achieving your new year’s resolutions.

3. Always remind yourself of your goals
4 Practical steps to achieve your new year's resolutions

In line with the second point, you should always remind yourself of your new year’s goals. You can put the list of resolutions to a place that you often see, and at the same time give yourself a reminder for you to achieve the goal. If you often use gadgets for work and personal businesses, you can download applications that can give reminders to you. With these steps, you will always remember your goals and practise consistency to achieve the resolutions that you listed out.

4. Embrace failure

The progress in achieving your goals is not linear, there are times when your progress will go on well and there are times that it will not go on as planned. Do not worry, it is completely normal! In any progress process, you should embrace failure and not giving up when your plans don’t work. Take the failure as an opportunity to learn for you so that you can continue your journey with a stronger and better determination.

New year’s resolutions are one of the good steps to turn your life towards goodness. Set your resolutions according to your own personal life goals, be consistent and do not give up. With these resolutions, you can make intricate plans for your life or make future plans for yourself – living a managed and prosperous life.