1. Updated FAQ on medical repricing interim measures is now available.


2. We acknowledge the recent press statement issued by Bank Negara Malaysia regarding interim measures to address the contribution revisions for medical plans. As a responsible takaful operator, we take this matter seriously and remain committed to act in the best interests of our customers. These interim measures aim to provide our customers the flexibility to better navigate and manage their financials while preserving their medical coverage.


We understand the importance of keeping our customers informed and will provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


In the meantime, we encourage you to click here for more details or contact our dedicated customer service line at 1300-13-8338 and press 6 after language selection, from Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.15pm (except Public Holiday) for further assistance.


3. Temporary Suspension of New Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) Applications

Please be informed that the submission of new Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) applications will be temporarily suspended effective from 16th January 2025 until further notice. Click here for more details.


4.   Revised Operating Hours During Fasting Month

We wish to inform you that the operating hours of our Customer Care Centre at Level 3, Head Office and Customer Careline will be revised. Click here for more details.

Self-service guides



Certificate management

Certificate benefits program

Certificate participation / new registration

Change of personal particulars

Digital services

Health care services

Investment-Linked Plans contribution and fund switching



Service guide

Surveys / feedback

Medical Sustainability Guide

View all topics


Latest announcements and updates Get the latest information and news about the latest events at Great Eastern Takaful. Read the latest announcements related to our takaful services here.



Find out the required documents and method to submit your accidental claim.

Hospital and surgical

Find out the required documents and method to submit your hospitalisation, surgical and outpatient claims.

Critical illness

Find out the required documents and method to submit your critical illness claim.

Total and permanent disability

Find out the required documents and method to submit your total and permanent disability claim.


Find out the required documents and method to submit a death claim.

Certificate management

Advance Contribution Facility (ACF)

Apply and withdraw your Advance Contribution Facility (ACF) here. It is an option provided to Certificate holders to pay some or all of your annual contributions in one lump sum.

Certificate assignment

Transfer your Certificate ownership to an individual, company or institution here or transfer of Takaful benefits from certificate owner (Assignor) to another person or institution (Assignee).

Certificate cancellation / full surrender / partial withdrawal

Find out forms and requirements for free-look cancellation, full surrender and partial withdrawal.
Certificate reinstatement - reactivate certificate after lapsed Find out the requirements and Health Warranty form to request for Certificate reinstatement.
Change of ownership Change ownership for all third party Certificate such as juvenile, spouse and keyman Certificate.

Change in sum covered / regular contribution / benefits

Increase/ decrease your Sum Covered, include new/ cancel benefits or change regular contributions.
Direct credit facility Find out Direct Credit Facility form and other FAQs here.
Duplicate copy of certificate Find out how to duplicate a copy of lost Certificate and change from e-Certificate to hard copy Certificate document.
Hajj by proxy service (Badal Hajj) Find out the required documents and forms for Hajj by proxy service. Applies to Muslims only.
Other FAQs Get answers for all your queries regarding tax relief, complaints, replacement of Certificate, portfolio withdrawal condition, etc.
Waqaf service Find out the required documents and forms for Waqaf services. Applies to Muslims only.

Certificate benefits program

Car Assistance Program (CAP) Find out the required documents and forms for Car Assistance Programme (CAP) and other additional benefits for medical card holder.
Family discount application for medical card Application of 5% family discount if you enrol your family member(s) in a stand alone medical card with us.

Certificate participation / new registration

FAQ: Certificate participation / registration How to participate in Takaful, minimum entry age, customer fact finding and other relevant information related to new Certificate participation/ registration.

Change of personal particulars

Amendment of age Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for personal details alteration (PSF01A) - amendment of age.
Amendment of gender Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for personal details alteration (PSF01A) - amendment of gender.
Change of personal information - Name/DOB/gender/title name/country of birth/nationality/NRIC No./birth certificate/passport No. Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for personal details alteration (PSF01A).
Change of address/contact (applicable only if person covered is not a certificate owner) Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for personal details alteration (PSF01A) - change of address/ contact.
Change of occupation Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for contractual changes (PSF01) - change of occupation.
Change signature Find out the required form and supporting documents to request for personal details alteration (PSF01A) - change signature.
Change of smoking status Find out how to change your smoking status.

Digital services

Digital services overview Find out digital services available to view Certificate details and carry out transactions online.
i-Get In Touch Access the GETB's i-Get In Touch user service portal to update personal information and check your transactions online. Register your user account now!
Great ID Obtain the Great ID to login to i-Get In Touch and GETCare app.

Health care services

Healthcare overview Let us start on your medical journey by recommending the right Panel Specialist.

Investment-Linked Plans contribution and fund switching

Apply for single contribution top up - only for Investment-Linked Plans (ILP) Find out the required form and documents for Application for Amendment Investment-Linked Plans (PSF06A).
Apply for regular contribution top up - only for Investment-Linked Plans (ILP) Find out the required form and documents for inclusion/ conversion/ alteration of coverage (PSF02).
Regular contribution apportionment - to determine/change percentage of each type of fund that you prefer Find out the required form and documents for Application for Amendment Investment-Linked Plans (PSF06A).
Switching of funds - switch existing fund to another fund Find out the required form and documents for Application for Amendment Investment-Linked Plans (PSF06A).


Appointment/change of nominee(s) as beneficiary(ies) Find out ways to change or appoint nominee(s) as beneficiary(s).
Appointment/change of nominee(s) as executor(s) Find out ways to change or appoint nominee(s) as executor(s).
FAQ: Correction of nominee/executor particulars Find out ways to correct nominee/executor particulars and other relevant FAQs.


Contribution payment facilities

Find out information about contribution payment facilities for individual and group Takaful.

Make a certificate payment

Find out ways to make contribution payments with JomPay, ePay, internet banking, cheque, etc.

Payment methods available for auto debit service

Find out ways to setup for auto debit service for contribution payments based on available payment methods.
Renewal contribution receipt Find out ways to receive and access a copy of payment receipt after making a renewal contribution for my Certificate.
Third party contributor Find out ways to declare third party payment or using third party's credit/debit card, cash and cheque irrespective of any amount

Service guide

PDF: Service guide for Bancatakaful A service guide to apply Bancatakaful products.
PDF: Service guide for Takaful Agent A service guide to apply Takaful products and verifying a certified Takaful Advisor.

Surveys / feedback

Customer feedback form We would like to hear from you - provide feedback for us to improve and serve you better.

Medical Sustainability Guide

Frequently Asked Questions Find answers to your common queries
Learn More Be informed on things regarding medical sustainability, with references for your ease of convenience.

Need to get in touch with our team?

We are all ears. Contact us via the phone, email or visit us at one of our branches. Our customer service will attend to you.

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